This is a post mostly about nothing.

A list of things that I am, clearly, incapable of handling like a normal person today:

01) The fact that it’s NOT Sunday and Entertainment Weekly gave us THIS picture of Captain Hook (Why is he so good looking? I CAN’T EVEN FUNCTION… is that eyeliner?) and then, when I actually read the article, found out his episode doesn’t air until the 21st of October. (That is WEEKS AWAY! Once Upon A Time why must you do this to me?) My attraction to bad boys clearly didn’t disappear like I thought it would once I entered my late-twenties.

02) I put my giraffe kettle on the stove and didn’t realize until about forty minutes later that I forgot to turn the burner on; I ended up in a sobbing-hysterical mess on my kitchen floor with my cats, while waiting for the water to boil, AGAIN, because I REALLY just wanted my cup of tea.

03) Re-watching the mid-season finale of Doctor Who, like an IDIOT, thinking that since I’ve already seen it, it won’t be so bad the third time around. NOPE. I end up a sobbing mess, again, just as my aunt calls and since I’m apparently unable to communicate like a normal person – I spent ten minutes sobbing at her. Bless her heart though; she took it like a pro. My family knows I’m capable of being a complete mess sometimes.

04) The latest episode of Elementary is taking too long to GET ON MY COMPUTER.

05) The Bloggess is still following me on Twitter and I have no idea why, but it’s brilliant and gives me furiously happy smiles on a daily basis.

06) Watching Jurassic Park and realizing that I cannot deal with velociraptors. The tyrannosaurus rex? – no problem. But when the kids were in the kitchen with the raptors, and she’s trying to close the metallic door thing and the raptor charges at her – I screamed. Loudly enough that my upstairs neighbor called to make sure I wasn’t being murdered.

Clearly I need a special jacket… and a bottle of Xanax.